
There are certain things that one should not struggle to avoid or prevent, because they just happen, no matter how  careful or contentious one is. And one of them is disappointment. It comes to professionals, armatures or novices. It comes to all, irrespective of gender or status.

And when it becomes incessant, it brings along the ugly and despised feeling of depression, making the disappointed see nothing but an end to his or her life. Depending on the level of the disappointment, or the level of the person’s frustration, it could sometimes lead to suicide.

What matters then is the person’s approach to the various disappointment he faces. Do you see it as the universe working against you or do you just shake it off and walk? This perspective is what makes people peddling the same lane have different end results. It makes one a loser or a winner, a successful person or an unsuccessful person.

Let’s take the theory of a glass of water which is said to have two perspectives- half empty and half filled. One who sees it as half empty is devoid of hope and eaten by self pity and frustration, but one who sees it a half full if full of anticipation and undiluted passion, a great hope that the glass is going to be full one day.

Such is Disappointment, with the same features- a step to success or a step to failure. Yes, that interview failed, the business didn’t work out, your dreams are crashing before you and nothing seems to be working… But one thing is working just fine- your life. And as long as it is working, every other thing is inconsequential. And  for this to fully manifest, you have to take charge of your situation, of your disappointment. Sulking on it would only put you on a rocking chair- it gets you no where.

A man who falls does not only learn, he gets prepared for the better things ahead. Let your fall teach you, not trash you. Let it prepare you, not mar you.


Detaching Your Name from the Definition of Failure.


Nothing is more devastating and heart breaking than aiming for something, making the necessary plans and then landing on a sack of ants. It crushes the heart more than a breakup does.
But a brave heart, the heart of a winner and successful individual sees a rising sun in the midst of this hurt and devastation. He sees not defeat, but life happening. He sees the universe playing its usual games with no regards to the emotions of the humans. So he stands up, dusts himself and start prepping again, for that same thing he had failed at.

I tell people, Failure is only but an assembly of seven English alphabets to describe a temporary obstruction to a person’s goal. It is never the end. The end is when you make the failure personal, defining it with your name attached. That is the end. But as long as you see it as just an assembly of alphabets, it will never hinder your pacing towards your goals.

Learn from the world of gamblers.. They lose several times, but they never stop gambling. Each day they troupe into the casinos or betting centers with a refreshed courage and assurance to win. And guess what, they lose. One would think they would not return again, but before you stand up from your bed the next day, they are already at the center, waiting to bet again. Now that’s persistence and passion in action- the only traits needed to succeed in life. And at the end, maybe after 20 trials, they will finally win… Crowing their persistence and passion with the crown they had pursued for days or weeks or even years.

If people who engage in such controversial activities could exhibit such hope in the face of failure, how much more you whose business idea is genuine and might get prospective investors?

Feed your behavioral approach to life with persistence and increase the insulin level of your passion. And above all, Remember, failure is just a seven letter word. Don’t attach your name to its meaning.